Rabu, 30 Mei 2012

A Thausand Years- Christina Perri

Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow

One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

Time stands still
Beauty in all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything take away
What's standing in front of me
Every breath
Every hour has come to this

One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

One step closer
One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

Minggu, 27 Mei 2012

Laskar Pelangi (Rainbow Warrior) the movie

Laskar Pelangi (The Rainbow Troops) is a 2008 Indonesian film adapted from the popularsame titled novel by Andrea Hirata. The movie follows a group of 10 schoolboys and their two inspirational teachers as they struggle with poverty and develop hopes for the future in Gantong Village on the farming and tin mining island of Belitung off the east coast ofSumatra. The film is the highest grossing in Indonesian box office history and won a number of local and international awards.
The story happens in the village Gantung, Gantung, Belitung Timur. Begins when the school threatened Muhammadiyah akan dissolved by Depdikbud Sumsel if students do not reach a number of 10 children. 9 When the new children who attend the opening ceremony, but right when Pak Harfan, the head of school, would close a school, Aaron and his mother came to enroll in the school is small.
From there they started the story. Start from the placement of seats, their meeting with Pak Harfan, their introduction of outstanding where A kiong that even cengar-grin when asked his name by their teacher, Bu Mus. Gen. stupid done by Borek, the head of the class selection diprotes hard by Kucai, finding the incident Mahar extraordinary talent, experience the first wave of love, life savings to the Latitude bicycle pedal 80 km away from returning to her home school.
They, Laskar Pelangi – the name given Bu Muslimah akan their enjoyment of the rainbow – was not it the name of any school with a variety of ways. For example, retaliation is always Mahar dipojokkan his friends because kesenangannya occultism that bear on the sweet victory at the carnival on August 17, and kejeniusan extraordinary latitude the challenge and overcome the Drs. Zulfikar, school teachers are licensed PN rich and famous, and won the race smart carefully. Laskar Pelangi the day-to-day fun, laughing and crying together. Ten flock this story ends with the death of the father Latitude cilik Einstein was forced out of school with the very touch, and continued with the events 12 years later in which the loop outside the islands struggling Belitong back to the village. This beautiful story with comical and summarized by Andrea Hirata melt, we can even feel the spirit of the small members of this ten Laskar Pelangi

sources of movie.ayo-cari.com

Sinopsis Think Dinar

Judul : Think Dinar
Penerbit : Ama Nadia Publishing House
Penulis : endy J. Kurniawan
Kategori : Islam Pemikiran
Tebal : 320 hal

biaya haji turun setiap tahun?
biaya sekolah semakin murah?
biaya hidup semakin rendah?
Jika anda berpikir DINAR!
Demikianlah kata-kata yang terdapat pada Cover  Buku “Think Dinar” tulisan dari Endy J. Kurniawan. Buku setebal 320 halaman yang diterbitkan oleh Percetakan Asma Nadia ini mengulas dan menerangkan mengenai segala hal mengenai Dinar.
Dinar yang dimaksud disini bukanlah dinar yang biasa dijadikan mata uang diberbagai negara, seperti dinar Iraq, dinar Iran,  dinar Libya dan sebagainya, akan tetapi dinar yang di maksud adalah Dinar koin emas yang berbahan intrinsik emas  dengan berat 4,25gram dan kadar emas 22 karat. Didalam buku ini diulas tentang asal mula Dinar, mengapa Dinar diciptakan, apa kegunaan Dinar dan bagaimana agar  Dinar itu dapat menyelamatkan harta atau asset kita dimasa kini maupun masa depan. Karena sejak zaman Rasulullah SAW, sampai dengan sekarang satu Dinar cukup untuk membeli satu ekor kambing. Dan ini membuktikan hanya dengan Dinar, satu-satunya investasi (mata uang) yang terbukti anti inflasi.
Banyak yang mengira ketika berbicara Dinar , kita berbicara tentang emas, atau uang emas semata. Padahal ketika berbicara Dinar, kita  bicara investasi, ekonomi dunia, kebijakan politik,kesejahteraan umat manusia dan segala aspek kehidupan.
 Buku Think Dinar! yang ditulis oleh Endy J Kurniawan ini akan membuka mata para pembaca betapa mata uang dinar bisa menyelamatkan dunia. Dengan Dinar, mungkin tidak ada lagi spekulan mata uang, tidak ada lagi krisis moneter. Karena semua takarannya adalah emas dan perak (dirham). Tapi tentu saja sulit mengubah tatanan ekonomi yang sudah begitu mengakar ini. Karena itu negara manapun yang berani lebih dulu mengadopsi sistem dinar, maka akan menjadi negara yang paling kebal krisis dan inflasi. Misalnya saja Indonesia punya Dinar Indonesia. Tiba tiba mata uang Indonesia dianggap jatuh seperti krisis moneter dahulu. Tidak usah khawatir, jual saja emasnya. Jadi nilai dinar ini tidak akan pernah jatuh.
Selama ini terbukti harga emas tidak pernah jatuh. Turun fluktuatif iya, tapi setiap tahun pada akhirnya meningkat. Lalu bagaimana mungkin kita berbelanja kalau harus menenteng emas kemana-mana? Yang pasti uang kertas akan tetap ada, tapi uang kertas dengan konsep dinar menggunakan sertifikat emas. Uang kertas zaman dahulu konsepnya sama dengan dinar. Uang kertas zaman dahulu adalah sertifikat emas. Setiap uang kertas dicetak, maka ada cadangan emas dengan nilai tertentu yang disimpan. Tapi itu dulu, sekarang emas dan mata uang tidak ada hubungannya. Ketika Amerika kehabisan sumber daya akibat perang di Vietnam dan butuh banyak uang, maka Amerika mencetak uang sebanyak-banyaknya dengan tidak lagi memperhitungkan cadangan emas. Amerika bahkan membatalkan perjanjian Internasional yang menentukan hitungan mata uang dan cadangan emas. Sejak saat itu mencetak uang dan emas tidak ada kaitannya lagi.
Hingga saat ini dunia masih akan tetap berhadapan dengan resiko krisis. Negara maju dan kaya walaupun kelihatannya mendukung sistem moneter yang sedang dipakai saat ini, diam diam tengah mempersiapkan diri kalau suatu saat terjadi resesi. Lantas apa yang sedang mereka siapkan ? Emas. Seandainya saja kita berpikir “Dinar”. Tentu anda akan takjub bagaimana Dinar bisa membantu mengatasi solusi masalah Anda(biaya pendidikan,pernikahan,menabung untuk haji,hari tua,bahkan membayar hutang) mauapun kebutuhan financial lainnya, dan umat manusia secara keseluruhan.
Berpikir kaya hari ini dan super kaya di masa depan? Jawabannya : Think Dinar !

Senin, 21 Mei 2012

Kuliah Informal Ekonomi Syariah (KIES) 2012

Melihat tingginya permintaan SDM untuk bergabung dalam pesatnya pertumbuhan industri keuangan syariah, Sharia Economic Forum (SEF) UG bersama BNI Syariah menghadirkan serangkaian kegiatan Kuliah Informal Ekonomi Syariah 2012 yang terdiri atas :
11 – 15 Juni 2012, @D342
Pukul 08:00 – 15:30 WIB
Modul :
- Sharia Economics Preface
- The Problem with Interest (Riba’)
- Fiqh Muamalah 1 & 2
- Islamic Filantrophy
- Islamic Capital Market
- Islamic Banking 1 & 2
HTM : Rp 55.000,-
Fasilitas : ATK, Modul, Souvenir, Majalah, Snack 5 hari, Sertifikat.

- Sejarah Pemikiran dan Perkembangan Ekonomi dan Akuntansi Islam
Sabtu, 16 Juni 2012, Pukul 08:30-12:00 WIB, @D342, HTM Rp 20.000,-
- Langkah Emas Pengusaha Muslim
Sabtu, 16 Juni 2012, Pukul 13:00-16:00 WIB, @D342, HTM Rp 20.000,-

“Be The Real Sharia Economist”
29 Juni – 02 Juli 2012, Griya 29, Cisarua, Bogor, HTM Rp 75.000,-
Program pendidikan khusus bagi calon anggota SEF
Modul : Urgensi Ekonomi Islam, Islamic Business Contracts, The Golden Ages of Islam, Project Management, dll
Fasilitas : Penginapan dan konsumsi 4 hari, transport PP, modul, souvenir, setifikat

Menghadirkan para pembicara :
1. Dr. Erwandi Tarmizi (Universitas Al Imam Muhammad bin Saud, Arab Saudi);
2. Dr. Imam T. Sartono (BNI Syariah);
3. Dr. Irfan Sauqi Beik (Kaprodi Ekonomi Syariah FEM IPB);
4. Dr. Imam Subaweh (Kepala Pusat Studi Ekonomi Syariah UG);
5. Irwan Abdalloh (Senior Manager IDX);
6. Muhammad Yusuf Helmi (Karim Business Consulting);
7. Zaenal Abidin, Lc (LIPIA); dll

Pendaftaran :
Kunjungi Stand Pendaftaran kami di Teras E41 dan Lobby J1 mulai Senin, 21 Mei 2012
Informasi lebih lanjut :
CP: Fauzi (0856 9223 4246) / Ajeng (0896 3740 8070)
Email : sef.bemfe.ug@gmail.com
Fb : Sef Gunadarma / Twitter : @Sefgunadarma
Site : www.shariaeconomicforum.wordpress.com

*DOORPRIZE 10 Software Zahir Accounting senilai total Rp 3,500.000,-
*Gratis bingkisan menarik bagi 50 pendaftar pertama Kelas Intensif.
*HTM Kelas Intensif dan dapat diangsur hingga pengambilan sertifikat dengan DP Rp 15.000,- pada saat pendaftaran.
*Calon anggota SEF WAJIB mengikuti program Kelas Intensif dan Diklat. Calon anggota SEF adalah mahasiswa aktif UG semua jurusan, maksimal tingkat 3 untuk S1 dan tingkat 2 untuk D3, yang kemudian mengikuti seleksi setelah menyelesaikan Kelas Intensif.
*Ada surat izin untuk program Kelas Intensif

Kamis, 17 Mei 2012

Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey came from a humble background to become one of America's most influential women. Winfrey has amassed a great fortune through her media and publishing interests and uses her fame and wealth to positively influence the lives of people in need.

Born Orpah (after a character from the Bible) Winfrey on January 29, 1954 in Kosciusko, Mississippi - USA, but now goes by the name of Oprah. At a young age Winfrey's parents separated and sent her to live with grandparents in very poor surroundings until the age of 6 when she moved to live with her mother. She was consequently se-xually mol-ested by male relatives at a young age and endured the hardship up until she was 14 when Winfrey moved to live with her father in Nashville Tennessee.

Living with her father did not eliminate her problems even though he was loving (yet strict) towards her. Winfrey struggled with dr-ugs and rebellious behavior and lost a baby after giving birth to it prematurely. Although her wild behavior conflicted with her father's strict rules and high standards she eventually began to settle after being awarded a University Scholarship.

"I knew there was a way out. I knew there was another kind of life because I had read about it. I knew there were other places, and there was another way of being." Oprah Winfrey

Winfrey studied at the Tennessee State University and received a BA in Speech and Performing Arts. Her father's high standards inspired her to aim for and achieve more from life. Winfrey became involved in several groups and pursued her interests in media and journalism while at University. Even though her early years in life where filled with hardship, she was always gifted with intelligence and she graduated as an honors student.

Oprah Winfrey's career in the media industry began as a news anchor and reporter for a television station in Nashville (although she also worked in radio during high school as a newscaster). She was the first black African American woman television news anchor to work in Nashville on the WTVF-TV station at the young age of 19. Winfrey never felt comfortable in her position as a news anchor and only began to enjoy her work when she was moved to the early morning talk show "People are Talking" at WJZ-TV in Baltimore where she was able to be herself and express her own opinions and share her true feelings about topics that moved her.

Winfrey's career really began to take off after moving to Chicago in 1984 to host "AM Chicago", an early morning talk show at WLS-TV's. It went on to become the number one ranked talk show shortly after she started and it was renamed "The Oprah Winfrey Show" after one year.

The Oprah Winfrey Show went on to become one of the most successful and highest ranked television talk show programs in history. The program is viewed by more than 20 million Americans (USA) every week and broadcast Internationally to more than one hundred countries worldwide. Winfrey's production company "Harpo Productions, Inc" produces the program and she is the host.

The daytime talk show focuses on issues close to Winfrey's heart and she has continued to cover topics of value to her mostly female audience for more than 17 successful seasons of broadcasting. The Oprah Winfrey Show started the wildly influential "Oprah's Book Club" in 1996 where Oprah endorses what she considers to be books of value. Books that received the Oprah endorsement often suddenly went to number 1.

Winfrey's business and personal interests are wide ranging and she has managed to accomplish success in several areas. Apart from being a successful Talk show host she is also a producer, successful actress, Founder of the successful "O, the Oprah Magazine", co founder of "Oxygen Media", and a generous Philanthropist. Her entrepreneurial spirit and desire to change society for the better have brought her and her numerous companies many awards and achievements.

"What material success does is provide you with the ability to concentrate on other things that really matter. And that is being able to make a difference, not only in your own life, but in other people's lives." Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey continues to follow her dreams through her many business and media interests. She is one of the wealthiest women in the United States of America and is regularly placed high up on the Forbes magazine Rich List each year. Winfrey continues to influence and inspire people worldwide with her example of overcoming great odds to achieve great success financially, spiritually and socially. 

Rabu, 16 Mei 2012

Lee min ho

Lee Min-Ho was born in Heukseok-dong, Dongjak-gu, Seoul, South Korea on June 22, 1987. His family consists of his mother, father, and one older sister. As a young child, Lee Min-Ho hoped to become a football (soccer) player, but an injury in the 5th grade of elementary school ended those dreams. However, Lee Min-Ho still keeps up with football and mentions Nal-do Ho as his favorite player.
In the 2nd year of his high school career, Lee Min-Ho turned his attention to acting. By the time of Lee Min-Ho's senior year in high school he joined Starhaus Entertainment with the help of an acquaintance. After going through training, Min-ho started auditioning for roles and landed smaller roles in several television dramas. His major breakthough came with Min-ho landing the lead role in the KBS2 drama "Boys Over Flowers" as Ku Jun-pyo. The television series became immensely popular and regularly received ratings of over 30% in South Korea. Lee Min-Ho is currently majoring in Film & Art at Konkuk University.
In 2011 Lee Min-Ho starred in popular drama series "City Hunter." The drama was based off a Japanese manga by Tsukasa Hojo. His co-star in the drama was Park Min-Young. They knew each other for about for 5 years having previously worked together in the KBS2 2007 drama I am Sam. According to management agencies for Lee Min-Ho and Park Min-Young they developed feelings for each other while filming City Hunter. After the completion of "City Hunter" the couple dated more seriously and are now involved as couple
Min-ho lee has stated his ideal woman is someone petite, with pure character, and fair complexion.
Lee Min-Ho is good friends with actress Park Bo-Young (acted together in the 2006 televison drama "Secret Campus" and the 2008 film "Our English Teacher") and has been friends with actor Jeong Il-Woo since middle school.
The scariest moment for Lee Min-Ho was when he got into a car accident at the age of 20. Min-ho was hospitalized for 6 months.
Min-ho has mentioned Leonardo DiCaprio, Sol Kyung-Gu, & Kim Su-Ro as some of his favorite actors.
Our English Teacher | Woolhakgyo ET (2008) - Sang-Hun
Public Enemy Returns (2008)
TV Dramas
Faith | Shinui (SBS / 2012) - General Choi Young
City Hunter | Siti Hyunteo (SBS / 2011) - Lee Yun-Seong
Personal Taste | Gaeinui Chwihyang (MBC / 2010) - Jeon Jin-Ho
Boys Over Flowers (KBS2 / 2009) - Koo Jun-Pyo
But I Don't Know too (MBC / 2008) - Min Wook Gi
I am Sam | Ayi em saem (KBS2 / 2007) - Heo Mo-Se
Mackerel Run | Dalryeora Godeungeo (SBS / 2007) - Cha Gong-Chan
Secret Campus | Bimilui Kyojeong (EBS / 2006) - Park Doo Hyun
Recipe of Love (MBC / 2005)
Sharp 1 (KBS2 / 2003)
Romance | Romangseu (MBC / 2002) - troubled student taught by Kim Chae-Won 

Senin, 14 Mei 2012

Biography Kenny G

 "Kenneth Gorelick" (born June 5, 1956), better known by his stage name "Kenny G", is an American saxophonist whose fourth album, "Duotones", brought him 'breakthrough success' in 1986. Kenny's main instrument is the soprano saxophone, but he also plays the alto and tenor saxophone and the flute on 

Early life

Kenny was born in Seattle, Washington, and first came into contact with a saxophone when he heard someone performing with one on "The Ed Sullivan Show". He learned how to play under the direction of local trumpeter Gerald Pfister and by practicing along with records (mostly of Grover Washington, Jr.), trying to emulate the sounds that he was hearing. At Franklin High School he failed to get into the jazz band when he applied, although was accepted the following year when he tried again. He also played for his high school golf team, a sport which he had loved ever since his older brother, Brian Gorelick, introduced it to him when he was ten years old.. Brian Gorelick is currently a music professor and choir conductor at Wake Forest University.


Kenneth Gorelick began his career as a musician when he acquired his first ever professional job as saxophone soloist for Barry White's Love Unlimited Orchestra in 1973 at the age of 17, when White was impressed by his mastery of the blues scale. Kenny was also studying for a major in accounting at the same time. After being rejected as a music major from Central Washington University, he went on to get a degree from University of Washington and played with the funk band Cold, Bold & Together before becoming a credited member of "The Jeff Lorber Fusion". He began his solo career after his period with Lorber.
In 1982, Kenny G signed with Arista Records as a solo artist, after label president Clive Davis heard his rendition of ABBA's 'Dancing Queen'. He has released many solo albums and collaborated with various artists including Whitney Houston, Toni Braxton, Natalie Cole, Steve Miller (which marked the only time he appeared on a rock and roll album), Dudley Moore, Michael Bolton, and Aretha Franklin. Influenced by the likes of saxophonist Grover Washington, Jr. and the lyricism of Barry Manilow, his own albums are usually classified as smooth jazz.
He received success quite early on, with both "G Force" and "Gravity", his second and third studio albums respectively, achieving platinum status in the United States. These sales were topped by his fourth studio album, "Duotones", which shifted over five million copies in the U.S. alone. His sixth studio album, "Breathless", became the number one best selling instrumental album ever, with over 15 million copies sold, of which 12 million were in the U.S. He broke another record when his first holiday album, "Miracles", sold over 13 million copies, making it the most successful Christmas album to date.
In 1997, Kenny G earned a place in the "Guinness Book of World Records" for playing the longest note ever recorded on a saxophone. Kenny G held an E-flat for forty five minutes and 12 seconds in the Hopkins-Bright Auditorium at D&R Music World in New York City. That same year, Kenny G's song 'Havana', from his album "The Moment", was remixed by noted DJs Todd Terry and Tony Moran and released promotionally to dance clubs in the U.S. These mixes went to #1 on the "Billboard" Hot Dance Club Play chart in April of 1997, giving Kenny his first (and, to date, only) #1 on this chart.
Gorelick's 1999 single, 'What A Wonderful World' stirred controversy among the jazz community regarding the overdubbing of Louis Armstrong's classic recording. A common criticism was that such a revered recording by a musician known especially for improvisation should not be altered. Pat Metheny responded to this recording by saying, 'With this single move, Kenny G became one of the few people on earth I can say that I really can't use at all - as a man, for his incredible arrogance to even consider such a thing, and as a musician, for presuming to share the stage with the single most important figure in our music.' The 'duet' was produced by David Foster who also recorded the Natalie Cole and Nat King Cole duet. Gorelick stated at the time,'...I didn't want to spoil the original. I said, 'Whatever we do, if we're not going to make it better, let's throw it away and we won't do it.' So (Foster) guaranteed that it would be better, and I hope that we did a good job on it.' Some columnists countered the criticisms suggesting such a recording would bring classic jazz to a wider audience. Nevertheless, Kenny G fans considered the live performance of this duet with Armstrong on a video taped backdrop a 'show stopper.' Additionally, Gorelick has stated that all the proceeds from this single go to his Kenny G Miracles Foundation which 'funnel(s) the money to charities to purchase musical instruments and to supplement funding for the arts in schools.'
Kenny G has recorded some Chinese songs, like 'Jasmine Flower' (???), and his music is noticeably popular in China. His recording 'Going Home' is often played at closing time at public places or the at end of classes at schools.
As of 2003, Kenny G was named the 25th-highest selling artist in America by the RIAA, with 48 million albums sold in the USA as of July 31, 2006. In 1994, Kenny G won the Grammy Award for Best Instrumental Composition for "Forever in Love".
On August 4, 2008, TVGuide.com announced that Kenny G would be guest-starring and performing on ABC's "Dirty Sexy Money" tentatively scheduled to air October 8, 2008.

Personal life

Kenny G is currently married to Lyndie Benson, with whom he has two children – Max (aged thirteen) and Noah (aged nine). They have expressed an interest in saxophone and piano respectively.
He plays golf regularly, and has a playing handicap of +0.6. He has participated in the AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am tournament seven times as of February 7, 2008, and "Golf Digest" awarded him the position of number one musician golfer in their December rankings of Top 100 in Music.
Kenny is also a pilot, and has been known to fly to many events.
Kenny G is also one of the original investors in the Starbucks coffee house chain.
He has one sister, Paula, and one brother, Brian. Brian's son David is a musician and plays bass in the band 'Puking up Sunshine.'


Studio albums

"Kenny G" (1982)
"G Force" (1983)
"Gravity" (1985)
"Duotones" (1986)
"Silhouette" (1988)
"Breathless" (1992)
"The Moment" (1996)
"Paradise" (2002)
"Rhythm & Romance" (2008)
Holiday albums
"Miracles: The Holiday Album" (1994)
"Faith: A Holiday Album" (1999)
"Wishes: A Holiday Album" (2002)

Live albums

"Kenny G Live" (1989)
"Best" (2006)

Greatest hits albums

"The Very Best of Kenny G" (1994)
"Kenny G - Greatest Hits" (1997)
"Ultimate Kenny G" (2003)
"The Greatest Holiday Classics" (2005)
"The Essential Kenny G" (2006)

Compilation albums

"The Collection" (1993)
"Montage" (1993)
"In America" (2001)
"The Romance of Kenny G" (2004)
"The Holiday Collection" (2006)

Cover albums

"Classics in the Key of G" (1999)
"At Last...The Duets Album" (2004)
"I'm in the Mood for Love...The Most Romantic Melodies of All Time" (2006)


"Six of Hearts" (1997)

sumber : http://www.monstersandcritics.com 

Mario Teguh

Mario Teguh is a Muslim who becomes a motivator and business consultant and personalities from Indonesia. Mario religion is Islam. For those who consider that Mario teguh is Christian, you are wrong! Yes, Mario steadfast Muslim. He is a motivator without mentioning a specific religion and can embrace all walks of life. Let’s look at the life story of Mr. Mario!.  His real name is Sis Maryono True, but when appearing in public, he used the name Mario. He earned his Bachelor of Education from the Institute of Teacher Training and Education (Teachers’ Training College) Malang. Mario had worked at Citibank, then set up Bussiness Effectiveness Consultant, Exnal Corp.. served as CEO (Chief Executive Officer) and Senior Consultant. He also formed Mario Teguh Super Club (MTSC). Mr. Mario was born in Makassar, March 5, 1956.In 2010 again won an award from the Indonesian Record Museum, MURI, as a motivator with Facebook Fans largest dunia.Di early 2010, he was selected as one of the 8 figures Changes 2009 version of Republika newspaper published in Jakarta.Previously he brought the show titled Art in O’Channel Business. Then his name more widely known by the public when he hosted the Mario teguh Golden Ways on Metro TV. At this time Mario is known as one of the motivators most expensive in Indonesia.
In 2003 received an award from the Indonesian Record Museum, MURI, as the organizer of the seminar’s first automobile prizes in Indonesia.

Department of Architecture, New Trier West High (high school) in Chicago, United States, 1975.
Department of Linguistics and English Language Education, Teacher Training and Education Institute of Malaysia (S-1).
Department of International Business, Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan.
Systems Operations Department, Indiana University, United States, 1983 (MBA).

Citibank Indonesia (1983 – 1986) as Head of Sales
BSB Bank (1986 – 1989) as Manager of Business Development
Aspac Bank (1990 – 1994) as Vice President of Marketing & Organization Development
Exnal Corp. Jakarta (1994 – present) as CEO, Senior Consultant
Specialization: Business Effectiveness Consultant
Becoming a Star (2006)
One Million Second Chances (2006)
Life Changer (2009)
Leadership Golden Ways (2009)

* Received an award from the Indonesian Record Museum, MURI, as a motivator with the world’s biggest Facebook fans.
* Selected as one of the 8 figures Changes 2009 version of Republika newspaper published in Jakarta.
Earlier Mario bring the show titled Art in O’Channel Business. Then his name more widely known by the public when he hosted the Mario teguh Golden Ways on Metro TV. And at this time Mario is known as one of the motivators most expensive in Indonesia.

Syafii Antonio

Syafii Antonio was born on Sukabumi, Jawabarat, May, 12th 1965. The real name  Nio Gwan Chung.
Dr. Muhammad Syafii Antonio, MEc (Nio Gwan Chung) is the icon of Islamic banking and finance in Indonesia. He is the chairman of Tazkia University College of Islamic Economics (STEI TAZKIA). He earned his PhD in Micro Finance from University of Melbourne (2004), Master of Economics form International Islamic University, Malaysia (1992) and completed his first degree in Islamic Law from University of Jordan (1990), He also conducted a visiting research program at Al-Azhar University Cairo and Oxford University, UK.

With his team in TAZKIA Consulting, Antonio has helped the establishment of more than 14 Islamic divisions of conventional banks, 7 newly established Islamic Insurance operations, and trained more than 8000 financial practitioners in the country. Currently Antonio seats as Islamic Banking Committee at the Central Bank of Indonesia, Central Bank of Malaysia, Global Shariah Board of al-Mawarid Finance and insurance DUBAI.

Antonio also supervises Bank Syariah Mandiri, Takaful insurance, Bank Mega Syariah, Schroders Investment Manager an PNM holding. Up today, Antonio published more than 12 books on Islamic Banking, Zakat, Leadership and Management.

For his effort in this field Antonio was awarded “Syariah Award” by the central Bank of Indonesia, Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI), AND Bank Muamalat (2003), Anti-corruption & Good Governance Award by Ministry of State Apparatus (2007), Arab Asia Finance recognition Award by Arab Asia Finance Forum (2008) and won Australian Alumni Award (in Business Leadership category) from the Government of Australia (2009). Antonio is also the recipient of IBF Award, 2009 for his best selling book “Muhammad SAW The Super Leader Super Manager”, and IDB Prize Nominee from Indonesia (by the Ministry of Finance

Bj. Habibie

Habibie was born in pare-pare, South Sulawesi  june 25th 1936.  Province to Abdul Jalil Habibie and R. A. Tuti Marini Puspowardojo. His father was an agriculturist from Gorontalo and his mother was aJavanese noblewoman from Yogyakarta. His parents met while studying in Bogor. When he was 14 years old, Habibie's father died. Following his father's death, Habibie continued his studies in Jakarta and then in 1955, he moved to Germany.
In 1960, in Germany, Habibie received a 'Diplom-Ingenieur', a degree in engineering. He remained in Germany as a research assistant under Hans Ebner at the Lehrstuhl und Institut fĂĽr Leichtbau, RWTH Aachen, to conduct research for his doctoral degree.
In 1962, Habibie returned to Indonesia for three months on sick leave. During this time, he was reacquainted with Hasri Ainun, the daughter of R. Mohamad Besari. Habibie had known Hasri Ainun in childhood, junior high school and in senior high school at SMA-Kristen, Bandung. The two married on 12th May, 1962, returning to Germany shortly afterwards. Habibie and his wife settled in Aachen for a short period before moving to Oberforstbach. In May 1963, they had a son, Ilham Akbar Habibie.
When Habibie's minimum wage salary forced him into part-time work, he found employment with the automotive marque Talbot where he became an adviser. Habibie worked on two projects which received funded from Deutsche Bundesbahn.
Due to his work with Makosh, the Head of Train Constructions offered his position to Habibie upon retirement 3 years later, but Habibie refused.
In 1965, Habibie delivered his thesis in aerospace engineering and received "very good" for his Doktor der Ingenieurwissenschaften). During the same year, he accepted Hans Ebner's offer to continue his research on Thermoelastisitas and Habilitation, but refused to join RWTH as a professor per se. His thesis about light construction for supersonic or hypersonic states also attracted offers of employment from companies such as Boeing and Airbus which Habibie again declined.
Habibie did accept a place with Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm in Hamburg. There, he developed theories on thermodynamics, construction, and aerodynamics, known as the Habibie Factor, Habibie Theorem, and Habibie Method, respectively. Habibie's time in Europe may have contributed to his interest in the Leica cameras.
On his return to Indonesia in 1974, Habibie was made Chief Executive Officer of the new State owned enterprise, Industri Pesawat Terbang Nusantara (IPTN). (In 1985, PT. Nurtanio changed its name to Indonesian Aviation Industry and is now known as Indonesian Aerospace Inc. (Dirgantara)). By the 1980s, IPTN had grown considerably, specializing in the manufacturing of helicopters and small passenger planes.
Habibie became a pilot, assisted in his training by A.B. Wolff, former Chief of Staff of the Dutch Airforce. In 1995, he flew an N-250 (dubbedGatotkoco) commuter plane.
In developing Indonesia's Aviation Industry, he adopted an approach called "Begin at the End and End at the Beginning". In this method, elements such as basic research became the last things upon which to focus, whilst actual manufacturing of the planes was placed as the first objective.

Kamis, 10 Mei 2012

Biography Raditya Dika

Raditya Dika Nasution is an Indonesian writer, a comedian, and a script writer of comic or film. Raditya Dika is always called Raditya or Radith. He was born on Desember 28, 1984. Raditya Dika is known as the author of humorous books and then Raditya is known by public after his first book, Kambing Jantan (Gagasmedia, 2005).  The book is the result of adaptation of his old blog at www.kambingjantan.com. With having a comedy writing style and a candid story, Kambing Jantan was success and became a bestseller book.
The first work that elevates his name is the book, Kambing Jantan: Sebuah Catatan Harian Pelajar Bodoh ( 2005 ). This book tells the life of Radith while still studying in Adelaide, Australia. The story of Radith is based on his stories as an Indonesian student that studied abroad. The book is presented in diary format (diary). The whole story in his work is based on his personal blog, www.kambingjantan.com, which now becomes www.radityadika.com.
Second book entitles Cinta Brontosaurus , it is published in 2006. Similar to the previous book, the stories in this book is based on the everyday story of Radith. However, this second book uses a short story format, that tells about experience of love of Radith that seemed not always lucky. The contents of this book include the story of when Radith sent a love letter to a friend when he was in elementary school to experience of Radith that watched his Persian cat that fell in love with another cat in its neighbor.
Third book entitles Radikus Makankakus: Bukan Binatang Biasa that issued on August 29, 2007. This third book tells Radith who had been a clown of Monas in a day, teaching and tutoring, then when Radith was taken for a ghost of toilet, until the story about the curse of NTB people.
Fourth book entitles  Babi Ngesot: Datang Tak Diundang, Pulang Tak Berkutang. That is published in April 2008. At the end of 2008, along with a comic artist, Rudiman Dio, Radith wrote a comic, Kambing Jantan, part 1, (Gagasmedia, 2008) and Kambing Jantan, part 2, (2011). This comic contains his life overseas as a student in Adelaide, Australia.
And fifth book entitles Marmut Merah Jambu in 2010. Most theme of Raditya Dika comedy revolves between his personal life, his family, with a hyperbolic style – self depreciating humor that it degrades himself.
Last Project of Raditya is a film that lifted from his first book, Kambing Jantan: The Movie, who directed by Rudi Soedjarwo. Besides writing the script with Salman Aristo and Mouly Surya, in that the film, he also played himself. The film is scheduled to appear March 5, 2009.
Journey and Thought
Radith started the desire to record his diary in the blog when he won the Indonesian Blog Award. Radith also won in the award titled The Online Inspiring Award 2009 from Indosat. From that experiences, he printed (print out) of his writings in his blog and then he offered the printed manuscript to several publishers to be printed as a book. At first, many refused, but then when he came to Gagasmedia, a book publisher, the manuscript was accepted, although they had a presentation in advance.
Radit successfully becomes a writer because he stepped out of the mainstream. He appeared with a fresh new genre. What makes it is different from other writers is the idea of the name of the books is the name of animals that always he uses in his books. From the first book until recently, all the titles contain the name of the animal. For Radith, this is his selling point.
For Radith, as the writer, we have to have innovation. In fact, in the first few months, his first book was not too sold out. According Radith, this is the risk of entry in the new genre. Radith promoted the book by the blog that he managed later aggressively. He was also vigorous doing by word of mouth. Radith asked readers to take pictures with his first book, then sent to Radith. By this, it can be a marketing strategy that can manage the reader as the target market. According Radith, in writing, after the book was published, it doesn’t indicate that complete affairs. Later, marketing submitted to the publisher.
Instead, the writer should also be a marketer for his own book because the author is actually also an artist. A creative writer will make his book as a product which for him must be sold out in the market. Although in essence the book is not commercial item, but regard the book as a product that contains knowledge that is marketed. That is a thing that needs to be done at this time.
Being a successful writer does not mean there are no barriers. According Radith, the barrier is not only from the book industry, but also from things that are diagonal. That is, opponents of the book industry may not be another book industry, but the others industries that are not related at all, such as entertainment, food, and others. For example, if there is young person has 50.000 rupiahs, yet he would spend it for buying books. It could be used for watching movies in movie theater or buying fast food. And clearly, the book is not the primary choice.
For Radith, this is already common. All we need now are we must do creative something and act creatively . For him, the competition that exists is the key to have innovation.  The pressure of competitors may be the motivation to continue to provide new ideas and explore new capabilities.
Now, Radith is still continuing his study at the extension program of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Indonesia. Radith is also a host in Provocative Proactive program, Metro TV. In addition, he is a director and a chief editor in a book publishing, Bukune.
The Books and the Comics
  1. (2005) – Kambing Jantan: Sebuah Catatan Harian Pelajar Bodoh.
  2. (2006) – Cinta Brontosaurus.
  3. (2007) – Radikus Makankakus: Bukan Binatang Biasa.
  4. (2008) – Babi Ngesot.
  5. (2008) – Komik Kambing Jantan.
  6. (2010) – Marmut Merah Jambu.
  7. (2011) – Komik Kambing Jantan 2.

Biography Kahlil Gibran

Kahlil Gibran was born to a Maronite Christian family in Besharri, Lebanon (then part of Syria and the Ottoman Empire).

His father, also named Kahlil Gibran, had drinking problems and accumulated many gambling debts. This led Gibran's father to leave his job as assistant to his uncle who was a pharmacist, and take work as an 'enforcer' for the local Ottoman administrator. He eventually ended up in jail.

Because of the family's poverty, Gibran did not receive a formal education as a young boy, but a local priest taught him Arabic and Syriac, as well as the stories of the Bible and infused in him an awareness of the mystical dimensions of Maronite Christianity.

When Gibran was eight, his mother took him, his older half-brother and his two younger sisters to Boston. Although shy, Gibran quickly learned English and, thanks to a scholarship, started to receive more of a formal education.

The boy became fascinated by Boston's world of art and music, visiting galleries and performances. At age 13, his artistic gifts came to the attention of cultural circles in Boston, where he was further introduced to artistic trends.

Even with some of this early success, Gibran was sent back to Lebanon to complete his education, where he excelled in poetry.

He returned to the United States in 1902 in the midst of a family crisis. His mother had cancer, and his older brother and his fourteen-year-old sister had tuberculosis. His sister soon died. The brother, who had been supporting the family with a small hardware store, moved to Cuba to try to recover his health, leaving the young Gibran in the frustrating position of having to take over the hardware business. A year later, his brother returned from Cuba, but he died. The same year, his mother also died.

In the aftermath of so much death, Gibran sold the family business and threw all of his energy into art and writing and perfecting his English. He also reconnected with the Boston cultural benefactors he had known before.

He began to write columns for an Arabic-language newspaper and later collected these writings into his first published books.

In 1909, Gibran went to Paris for two years to broaden his artistic training, and he was particularly influenced by the mystical artistic Symbolist movement.

Returning to America, he began to publish some of his first Arabic prose-poetry collections through a publisher in Egypt. He became active with Arab intellectual and artistic organizations, promoting the rich culture of the Arab-speaking world, while attempting to address its many problems under Western imperial rule.

In 1911, Gibran moved to New York. There he met and was influenced Abdul Baha, the leader of the Bahai Faith movement. He also met Carl Jung and was asked to paint the famous psychologist's portrait, at which time Gibran became intrigued by Jungian philosophy.

Gibran began to write in his adopted language of English, writing The Madman, though it would be rejected by several publishing houses until a small publisher named Alfred Knopf would take a chance on the work.

When World War I broke out, he worked to free Syria from Ottoman rule, but was frustrated by the messy realities of war and international politics.

In the years following publication of The Prophet, Gibran would gain international notoriety.

He died in 1931.